
“Isabelle Ganz gave a virtuosic and outgoing performance of Aria (John Cage).” – New York Times

“Brilliant voice and superb would be hard to imagine any performer who could command a richer array of emotions and characterizations.” – Washington Star

“Endowed with and extraordinary vocal range and consummate musicianship.” – Hartford Courant

“Ganz’ control and her range of voice production techniques were extraordinary.” – Buffalo News

“Isabelle Ganz has once again enriched this annual festival, this time with a program roughly scanning the five centuries since America’s discovery. She was most impressive in Lydia Ayres’ Another Victim Found in Rubble, blustering down the aisle as a bag lady in an angry polemic against society’s indifference to the poor.” – Buffalo News

“Isabelle Ganz and Carol Plantamura sang the doleful five-note Litany for the Whale with superb control, and the result was a minimalist piece charged, for once, with pathos.” – The London Times

In William Thomas McKinley’s Three Poems of Pablo Neruda for mezzo-soprano and orchestra “Isabelle Ganz demonstrates a wide range, a rich low end, a brilliant top, and a splendid technique.” – Fanfare Magazine

“The Lorca folk song settings were given compelling vocal/theatrical performances by Isabelle Ganz.” – Houston Post

“The most significant work on the program was Jacob Druckman’s Lamia. The soloist was Isabelle Ganz, who vocalized the difficult writing skillfully and brought a multitude of coloration to the words.” – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Berio’s Complete Sequenzas was picked as one of The Best Classical Records of 2006 in the New York Times. In that set Isabelle Ganz performs Sequenza III.

“Mit ihrem hoch dramatischen und innigen Tönen oder elegischen bis schmerzlichen Schattierungen, sowie einer virtuosen Bewegungs und Melismentechnik fesselte Isabelle Ganz rundum.” – General-Anzeiger, Bonn

“Les Chansons Madécasses de Maurice Ravel ont fourni à Isabelle Ganz, mezzo-soprano, l’occasion de jouer de sa voix-instrument avec une solidité de language; une profondeur humaine qui ont fait pour un instant se recontrer la musique des notes et celle des mots en une symbiose délectable et rafffinée.” – L’indépendant, St. Cyprien, France

“…e la presenza, tra gli altri, di Isabelle Ganz, che viene considerata una nuova Cathy Berberian.” – L’unità, Milano